We would like to remind You that the final date of submitting the annual report of 2021 is 30th of June 2022. If your accounting is handled by Anson|Baer, to ensure that the annual report is ready in time and presented correctly, we would ask You to send all Your accounting documents to us by 15th of May this year, in case You haven’t sent them yet.
Companies, which have been incorporated last year, in 2021, have a special case – if your company’s registration date was before 30.06.2021, you have to submit a report for 2021, but if it was after 01.07.2021 (in the second half of the year,) you can submit it together with the annual report of 2022 in the year 2023.
If you have any questions or problems in regards to your company’s accounting or if you would like to become a client of Anson|Baer’s accounting, kindly contact us at [email protected].